Wednesday, October 20, 2021


We are so busy in our routine lives

We forget to take care of what helps us drive

from the Brian, Eyes, ENT , Esophagus to the liver, kidneys and intestines

each part of the body performs flawlessly to give us the rhythm of life

We push corners to finish that next assignment or Netflix series

Until body calls out you have exceeded the limits

Passion, motivation and enthusiasm are allies

Only if your body is perfectly fine

Everything goes bonkers

when your body becomes a honker 

calling for attention to stop the deeds done

and you get a feeling something isn't done

the moment you become sick it cold, headache, nausea or something big

you tend to appreciate how the intricate automated machine keeps you moving without a hitch 

you are more thoughtful for the parts needing repair

and do a lot of net surfing finding best remedy to cure

you question doc for all medicines prescribed

and wonder if there is a nexus with pharma behind  

if you listen to your inner voice 

your body is telling you what's not right


so take good care of this intricate machine 

and do give it breaks that it really needs

Sleep works as oiling shafts and massage

and works wonders on all your body parts

helps you rejuvenate and recharge quickly

and helping you getting fit swiftly 

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