Thursday, September 15, 2011

Who am I?

who am i?
a lonely warrior
or a commander of a battalion
i am confused, I am restless
i am searching the meaning of my existence

Does this happen to all i wonder?
but then one usually wont share such things in general
we shy away from making some deep analysis
as we fear it might tear away our modern curricular

life is a journey they say
how to make that journey memorable is what i debate?
we are always vying for that next material achievement
we surely are making progress
but are we losing sanity in the process
how do i stay on the course
difficult to decide where is the balance to attain the smile of a monk

I have a wish to spend a month in a monastery
to see how to live life peacefully
may be that will teach me some lessons
or I will return with same aspiration

Children are referred to as full of life
but as you grow you are always quoted on occasions "don't behave like children"
a set of rules every society imposes
and very few get to the tendency of a maverick
People will always have issues with the rules
as every person will have a different viewpoint of how to live

Do you hear anyone praise " He lived a common man's life"
because there is a derogatory remark associated in that style
perhaps common man is looked upon as under achiever and easily overpowered
maybe its to do with the history of our nation

Belief that You need to be better from others in order to be recognized
drives us crazy all our life
we do things more for recognition than following our own talent
we are put into competition right from childhood
and perhaps we compete till the time of our end

when will we respect the individuality of every other human being?
that each person is unique in his/ her own way
I wish we live to see that day
When we wont need any religion / any yoga
this common sense is enough to have peaceful junta !

I feel lost at times in the current times
as i fail to make meaning out of this life
Search is on to find a solution
Hope I find an answer.......

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