Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Finding Your Strength in Difficult Times

This book is all about pepping up your self in difficult times. It might sound sometimes giving too much emphasis on yourself over others but the author does a good job of summarizing the gist in a short book. The earlier book I read of same author was in MBA days 2 yrs back. As I was reading the book I could relate to many problems faced both on professional and personal front and it seems there is still room for understanding my own self. I guess I have not paid enough attention to it . The author has put in all his practical experience in this book suggesting how to take correct approach towards life when things do not go good. The book is pocket size so can be easily carried around . The knowledge has been put in form of short 2-3 pages for each topic so it is handy in reading as well as use for reference later. One thing which eluded me in understanding was the "gift" the author mentions each person is born with and should pursue the same.
Some notes:
-Peace of mind is knowing that you did what you had to do and forgiving yourself when you werent as strong as you wanted to be.
-Peace of mind needs to be present before your good work , not the result of it.
-People who offer conditional love want to control you. The moment that they give their love without condition is the moment you are free.
-The person who loves you loves you because he/she loves you. That's it. No further explanations are needed. No explanations make sense of love.
- Find something to be grateful for. The world is neither good nor bad. At best it is neutral.
-Take responsibility. When you dont take responsibility you give up control to others. Others never have your real interests at heart because they really dont know you.Take responsibility for everything you have done . It is the first step to become free.
-When the dark memory returns dont fight it. Permit the intrusion without regret. Dont push the painful feeling or memory away. If you let it through without resisting it , it will pass. Push it away and it will build, seeking and expressing it needs to relieve the old pressure. Ride the reappearance of your old emotions , but dont try to hold them back. Acknowledge all that it means and in a moment it will be gone.
-The secret of life is that there is no secret of life. It's all hard work.
- You are only human and you make mistakes. Whatever you are, just admit it. Admit your humanness . It's always a sign of strength.
-Express your hurt. Hurt is the pain of the moment. Anxiety is the pain in the future. Withheld hurt turns into anger. Such inward anger is called guilt.
-Live in this moment , at this time, when life takes place. If you live in past , you are not alive now. If you fear the future, the moment is infected with suspicion.
- Moving on - Who should care about you when you don't care enough about yourself to lift yourself out of your dilemma? Maybe you have to be in this rut in order to convince yourself that you need to do something about it.
-Pain in life comes from avoiding the truth that your feelings tell. Trust your feelings.they are the only true guidance you will ever get.
-Don't suffer. Suffering is mostly about events that have already happened.You suffer when you keep pain alive, for smouldering pain continually creates anger. Accept what has happened. Learn your lessons. Mourn your losses. And release. Grief knows no clock and suffering can swallow up your life.


Anonymous said...

mate, how is it different from any of the hundreds of other "self help" books? each of those points in the summary can be picked up from a different book.
what purpose do these serve? not too difficult for someone to sit and write up these things, eh? you read this book called "tuesdays with morrie"? the bugger goes on and on about the importance of family. then he divorced his wife and wrote a second book

Parsh said...

Thanks for your comment mate.I agree many books by other authors would lead to similar conclusions mentioned in notes,esp. by western authors.I havent read morrie book yet but heard a lot about it from others.Though divorce and 2nd book was something new for me.
In general no one book can give you the answers for all your queries and understanding self but it surely gives you the view of how others see it. You are the best judge to decide whether it is like that or not. Sometimes some things mentioned strike bang thats the way i feel and then you can read more on views of how author tries to explain it out.

Anonymous said...

I Agree with Mr one book can give you the answers for all your queries and understanding of self, but it surely gives you the view of how others see it.

Mr Balu,
Trust me its my personal Experience,This book really works.
but you need to be patient enough.By reading once it may not make a difference,but by reading again and again.I for sure promise u it will make a big diff in your life.

I have gifted this book to many of my friends.every time i meet them they thank me for that.

OK.Try doing this,gift it to someone and ask them to use it and see the response for yourself.

Take care or I would say Take a chance.


Unknown said...

Good review ..and i agree with parsh ... i have read this book .. believe me its too good. if you read it again and again gives you confidence.

Mayur Ratwani said...

Can you please help me out from where can i download this book.

Anonymous said...

I happened to chance upon this book recently. The beauty of the book that it deals with a lot of aspects of life in a very compact form. There are statements that makes you think - delve deeper - muse. You might or might not agree with the author, but when you leave the book down, you have taken a tiny step to being a more thoughtful person

sneha said...

I had read this book 2 years ago and till now i have read this book 8 times... this is all time book and one can relish this book countless times.... it gives the same effect (more or less) as meditation gives your mind and for the same reason this book is called "THE BOOK OF MEDITATIONS"..

Anonymous said...

where can i download this book