Thursday, February 09, 2006

FM and OM......... what to say

Well , I must admit, first time i am really realizing the need to give up my engineering habits of studying .. 2nd sem really getting harder and harder as the number of assignments workload is increasing . Over and above that Financial management(FM) and Operations management(OM) are giving a hard time. Finanical management lectures are quite understandable but the assignments are somewhat out of the world..beyond my understanding ... huh.I wonder if those where individual assignments i would have doomed......., well the same goes for OM. Have to read the assigned case 3-4 times in order get some gist out of it... looks like real MBA has just begun... 1st semester looks much easier now. Real hard days ahead......need to become more organized is exponentially increasing.....


Anonymous said...

hey, heard about the increased workload from edwin, smriti and others. is it really so bad? I heard leadership is another M&O subject?

cheer up, man. they are training you to become manager of the future...

Parsh said...

hey man,good to hear from you, how come u got my blog address?? i guess its time management issue which i am struggling to improve.Thats the indirect benefit of MBA.:-))
How about you?? how are u finding NTU in comparison to NUS??