Saturday, May 03, 2008

Time Stops at Shamli

Ruskin Bond's another good read . A collection of short stories (in all 21) with some stories as short as 3 pages. I liked the most named "A Crow for all seasons" where the author depicts normal crow's life and how they think about the humans with whom they are used to living for so long. Quite humorous and with some interesting things to ponder on, all conveyed to the reader in a subtle way. Most stories are placed around in the northern hilly regions of India where the author hails from. Though the stories are all fictional one can feel the touch of reality when he describes the story line and you could not help but stick to the book once you start reading. Other reviews on amazon & mouthshut.


Anonymous said...

Have u finist reading all those books u borrowed and bought during your MBA, all of which u have read only the first page of.

Parsh said...

Not true i read some in full , roughly only 5%. Yah, bad habit of bringing too many and not reading even quarter of it :p.