Monday, July 02, 2007

Simplicity...and its neglect in corporate world!

This is a good read. I got reminded of Dilbert quite a few times. Quite hillarious indeed of the mockery authors make of usually accepted practices in organizations , for example of how if something is too simple and obvious and understandable to all is not of any value as everyone knows it ,where as it is the best solution which is easily understood by all. Well quite an irony a consultant author making jokes on consultants :D. Ah and the mention of the word pirouette in the beginning ....I was thinking whats that doing in a book of simplicity...the author's failing himself on point he is trying to make...or maybe my vocabulary too bad, it would be common usage word for others.

Some Notes and interesting findings:
*Few guidelines for simple thinking as mentioned in the book:
-get your ego out of the situation
-you have got to avoid wishful thinking
-you got to be better at listening
-you got to be little cynical

*some famous adages written in complex language
-Pulchritude possesses profoundity of a merely cutaneous nature (Beauty is only skin deep)
-It is not efficaciuos to indoctrinate a superannuated canine with innovate maneuvers( You can't teach an old dog new tricks)

*Gunning Fog Index

10principles of clear writing:
1.Keep sentences short.
2. Pick the simple word over complex word.
3.Choose the familiar word.
4.Avoid unnecessary words.
5.Put action in your verbs.
6.Write like you talk.
7.Use terms your readers can picture.
8.tie in with your reader's experience.
9.Make full use of variety.
10.Write to express, not impress.

*Most people speak at 120-150 words/minute whereas human brain can easily process 500 words /minute.

*KISS principle

"To lead the people, walk behind them." by Lao Tzu, chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism.

Other reviews can be found here.

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