Sunday, December 12, 2021

Play/खेल (Badminton)

 Meetings को दिया विश्राम

जब खेलने का हुआ Alarm

हर रोज एक घंटे का है ये जश्न

जिसके लिए उकसाय मन हरदम 

है मन मे एक जूनून

पसीना निकले तो आये सुकून

खेलने का जोश बरकरार

मन बोले अभी तो तुम जवान हो मेरे यार

खेलने का रहता बेसब्री से इंतज़ार

बीवी बोले थोड़ा घर पे भी दे दो ध्यान

पर कैसे समझाएं उनको जो पसीने से होते हताश

खेलने से मिले परम सुख का अहसास

हार जीत का फर्क न पड़े

पर पसीना न निकले तो मन रोये

खेल मे होता ऐसा मग्न मन

सारी दुनिया की फिकर छोड़ देते फिर हम

नए लोगो से होती मुलाकात

और team बनाते अंजानो के साथ

कोई निकले खिलाडी तो कोई अनाड़ी

पर सभी को है खेलने की बीमारी

कोई  लगाए crepe bandage हाथों  पर 

कोई  लगाए crepe bandage पैरों  पर 

कोई बनाये चोटी तो कोई लगाए टोपी

कपड़ो के रंगो का है यहाँ भंडार

Shuttle भी आये कई रंगो मे यार

Courts कम और players ज्यादा

यही है रोज का बोल बाला

कोई स्कूटर तो कोई साइकिल

कोई कार पे तो कोई पैदल

हर किसी मे लगी होड़

मैं खेल  पाऊँ और

समय जैसे थम सा जाये

जब खेलने मे हम मग्न हो जाये

रूह भी बोले वाह जनाब

मजा आ गया जीवन का तेरे साथ

ऐसा लगे मानो सबको करे खेल एक

भाषा, रंग और रूप का न करे कोई परहेज़

सबको एक बनाता खेल

समानता का ये अनोखा मेल

कभी जो भूले हम खेलने का time

बच्चा  बोले पापा हो गया आपका जाने का time

तो उठाया bagऔर पानी की bottle

और निकल पड़े उत्साह से खेलने फिर से आज

Monday, November 15, 2021

EGO / I !!

When I is dominant

WE become distant

Pressure to prove you are RIGHT

Erodes all memories built over TIME

All seems FAIR to mind

overlooking the CHAOS it creates in ones life

Its hard to keep CONTROL

RAVAGE is what you want to indulge on

Though you have heard before what IT can do

You FOOL yourself its not at play this time

RAGE burns you from inside 

and you want to PROVE your point

Suddenly the one you had considered DEAR

becomes the object of your DESPISE

Building relationships takes EFFORT and TIME

Don't break them away with your EGO ride 

All FAULT is in those who tinkered your ego

without realizing its you who is acting WEIRDO

Strange DUMBNESS of the human mind

Fools itself with this insignificant I 

Friday, October 22, 2021


Whatever state you are in

You will find one suiting the need

The soul seeks to long for such ally

And they lift you up any time 

Be it a celebration or reflection

There will be a bunch to get your attention

Wonder if only humans have this

Or its common in animal kind 

They accompany you when in company of many

And also stand by when you are not seeking  any

Be mindful of the selection you make

As that may define the circles you make

Some go well with morning light 

And some find their way in dinges of night

They evolve with the generation

But some are evergreen kind 

Artists try to put their soul in it

And they give you goosebumps when you are in tune with it

Loosing track of time happens at times

And you find yourself rhyming ones you like 

They are ubiquitous in their presence

And you wonder at the variations they come in 

Songs collectively express all emotions of humankind 

That's why they are ones best allies!!

So go on and listen to your favourite songs

and cherish the journey of life on which you are on.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Cold & Cough

मारी जो छीकें हमने ज़ोरदार

घबरा गए सारे परिवार वाले यार

corona का डर हर किसी के मन मे

घरवाले भी बोले तू shiftहो ले एक कमरे मे

छींक पे छींक पे छींक

अपनी तो हो ली तैं तैं फीस

छींक आये ज़ोरदार

मानो किसी ने नगाड़ा बजाया हो बहार

बुढ़ापे की चिंता सताये

छींक पे जब बदन थर थरायें 

बात ये मन में बार बार खटके

बुढ़ापे मे छींकों से हड्डियां न टूटे

पानी बहे नाक से निरंतर

ऐसा लगे नल चला के छोड़ दिया किसी ने अंदर

ख़ासी भी आये जमकर

ऐसा लगे virus को बाहर फेंकने की कोशिश हो रही भयंकर

लेते की बैठें समझ न पाये

बदन मे थकावट से सुस्ती और छाये

Doctor के पास जाएँ या न जाएँ

इस दुविधा मे दिन घर पे ही बितायें

Gargle, काढ़ा, Honitus सब आज़माये

पर जुखाम और खांसी ठीक होने मे तो लगे time

खाने मे सब उबला और फीका मिले

जीभ भी बोले ठीक नहीं किया तुमने dear

मैंने कहा है अपनी सेहत सुधारने का खयाल

इसलिए तुम्हे तकलीफ दी मेरे यार

बस कुछ दिनों का है सवाल

चटपटा, मसालेदार चालू होगा फिर से अपार

बदन का तापमान थोड़ा भड़ा हुआ लगे

तो कम्बल के अन्दर हम हो लिए

लेटे लेटे अब किया क्या जाये

तब सुझा चलो एक Netflix/Prime series ही खत्म कर दे भाई

ज्यादा देर screen देखी न जाये

और सोने की कोशिश पे मन बोले हाय हाय 

तो लगा एक कविता ही लिख दी जाये और ये जो शब्दों से हम अपना मन बहलाए

आप भी पढ़े और मजे लेके जाएँ

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


We are so busy in our routine lives

We forget to take care of what helps us drive

from the Brian, Eyes, ENT , Esophagus to the liver, kidneys and intestines

each part of the body performs flawlessly to give us the rhythm of life

We push corners to finish that next assignment or Netflix series

Until body calls out you have exceeded the limits

Passion, motivation and enthusiasm are allies

Only if your body is perfectly fine

Everything goes bonkers

when your body becomes a honker 

calling for attention to stop the deeds done

and you get a feeling something isn't done

the moment you become sick it cold, headache, nausea or something big

you tend to appreciate how the intricate automated machine keeps you moving without a hitch 

you are more thoughtful for the parts needing repair

and do a lot of net surfing finding best remedy to cure

you question doc for all medicines prescribed

and wonder if there is a nexus with pharma behind  

if you listen to your inner voice 

your body is telling you what's not right


so take good care of this intricate machine 

and do give it breaks that it really needs

Sleep works as oiling shafts and massage

and works wonders on all your body parts

helps you rejuvenate and recharge quickly

and helping you getting fit swiftly 

Friday, October 15, 2021

Solo Time


Longing for the time
When you will find time for yourself
The hustle bustle of living 
Is making you run away here there

You want to be free 
And wonder if you would ever be
Maybe it's only a state of mind
Which keeps changing over time

Keeping balance is what you aim
But drain yourself chasing same 
The construct of life is complex
And you wonder when will I be out of this maze 

Consumed by past or worried by future
It's hard to live in the present 
Settling personal scores is a dangerous game 
Which eats peace and tranquility of one indulged in doing same
You need to unwind 
By being solo at regular times

Time to reflect and time for peace
No wonder monks are so much at ease
Akin to taking a bath 
Being solo recharges you to take on life's next assault !!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Beard (दाढ़ी)

सोचा कुछ नया करें current times मे

तो  रख ली दाढ़ी हमने लॉकडाउन में 

क्या पता था इतना कहर ढायेगा ये शौक

जब भी कोई मिले बोले ये क्या  हो  गया  मेरे दोस्त 

कोई कहे सन्यास ले लिया क्या 

कोई कहे तालिबान से जुड़ गए क्या

कोई कहे अच्छी नहीं लगती ये

कोई कहे मुस्लमान लग रहे हो बे

कोई कहे क्या बात प्रोफेसर

कोई कहे लग रहे हो एक News reporter

ऑफिस वाले बोले तुम्हारा वीडियो और DP बिलकुल न मिले

हमने सोचा चलो वहां भी दाढ़ी वाली एक फोटो डाल दे

client भी हमारे पीछे न रह पाये 

बोले लगते तुम एक bad ass boy

मैंने भी सोचा कितना अजीब है इंसान 

एक दाढ़ी से बदल जाये उसकी पहचान

दाढ़ी को जैसा भड़ना है भड़ने दिया

कहीं मन में लगे कुछ तो हमने खुल के किया

जितनी wilderness दाढ़ी की भाड़े

उतनी है न जाने क्यूं मन को ठंडक मिले

कोरोना से बेतहाश हुए हम

दाढ़ी बढा के सुख ढून्ढ रहा मन 

दाढ़ीको मैंने दी फुल छूट

देखें तो सही Chaos होता कितना खूब

Monday, August 09, 2021

Tokyo Olympics -India

Photo source 

देश का नाम किया खूब रोशन:

चोपड़ा, सिंधु, ढैया, मीराबाई, लवलीना, पुनिया और हॉकी टीम ने टोक्यो ओलंपिक में की पदकों की बौछार 

नीरज चोपड़ा ने मचाया धमाल

पूरा किया देश का गोल्ड मेडल का सपना लगाकर अपनी पूरी जान

समर्पित किया मेडल मिल्खा सिंह के नाम

यही तो है इस धरती की मिट्टी का कमाल

तूने कर दिया पूरा पीटी उषा का सपना मेरी जान

ले आया उनकी आंखें मैं आसूं, करके हासिल गोल्ड मेडल का मुकाम

गूंज उठी एक लहर हर देशवासी के दिल में

क्या कमाल का खेला है इस बार टीम इंडिया ने

और बढ़ाएं होसला सभी खिलाड़ियों का, यही है मेरी तमन्ना

लहू से कम नहीं है इन सबी का पसीना बहाना

देश का नाम रोशन कर आ रहा है साथियो ये सारे वीर

आओ स्वागत करें दिल से इन सभी विजेताओ का

जय हिन्द ! का नारा लगाकर करो इनको नमन

शूरवीर सारे ले आए जीत कर पदक अपने वतन

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

बर्तन सफ़ाई / Washing Utensils


थे बहुत से काम 

लेकिन इतनी Consistency वाला कोई ना था

सुबह, दोपहर शाम जिस्का

नज़राना हमें पेश था

यू तो हम किसी काम से नहीं डरते

पर धोने वाले बर्तन की कतार  बढ़ते अपने विचार बदल लेते

खाना खाने में जीता मजा आए

उसके बर्तन घिसने में Calories निकल जाए

जब बर्तन धोने का time आए

तो हम भी Mobile और Headphone के साथ तैय्यार भाई 

फिर जीतना घिसने धोने मैं लगे वक्त

उसमे हम हो जाए Headphone लगा के अपने मैं मस्त

बर्तनो से प्यार हो जाए

जब अपनी सफाई उनपे चमक लाए

गाना  बजे जब -मुझसे जुदा हो कर तुम्हें दूर जाना है,पल भर की जुदाई फिर लौट आना है

ऐसा लगे बस यही है सच

बीवी भी पूछें  इतना खुश होके बर्तन कैसे धोते तुम

मैं बोला तुम भी आजमा के देख लो जो तरकीब लगाये हम

कभी लगे बर्तन धोने में है गहराई

अपने सोच विचार में लाए ये सफाईी

जैसे खाने के बाद बर्तन धोना लगे जरूरी

वैसा ही रूह को अहंकार की मेल से बचाना है जरूरी

अगर रोज अहंकार की दावत हो नसीब

तो मुश्किल हो जाए किसी को रखना अपने करीब

अब हो गया साल बर्तन धोते धोते

बीवी बोले तुम हो गए Expert इस field में मेरे होते 

जब बर्तन खीसे रात को हमने

तो सामने वाले ने Kitchen की बत्ती जलाई

हम बोले sorry for the noise

वो बोले don't worry brother , today I have got early respite

दोनों ने काफी गप्पे लगायी 

जब तक अंदर से सुनते हो की आवाज न आयी

बर्तन धोना न है कोई कला से कम

न मानो तो बर्तन धो कर आज़मा लो तुम

Sunday, June 06, 2021


You dont follow a set pattern
You look to be free of any haste

You are ever wandering from place to place
But you look so settled in your demeanuor mate

You flow with the wind
You adjust at your will

You have an alluring charm
You portray soothing calm

Looking at you brings peace to mind
I feel like floating with you endless times

You are always in a group
neither distant nor glued

You come in various shapes
but mingle well with each other anyways

Big and Small does not count
you go the Ubuntu route

when I see you from up in the air
i cant help cherish your grandeur

as you move past over the sky
Awestruck, I fell in love with your sight

Saturday, June 05, 2021

Love feeling !

 She was the one you seeked

With a desire to be with

You two had chatted a lot

And found the two of you to be treading on a common path

There was always eagerness to listen

And you were smitten

You dreamt of being with her all time

longing for that blissful time

There was hesitation, there was fear

but you tugged along nicely to be with your dear

You were always surprised by the adaptability she had

Wondering what a lucky guy you are to find a gal like that

The company of her was so alluring

That you repeatedly flied down miles vrooming

You found yourself hooked

Day and night she was the only one you looked

Seeing picture in your wallet brought the smile 

You would feel elated as if blessed by divine

Her voice over call brought peace to heart

And you would be eager to talk again once you finish the loooong call

You met your friends and introduced her

and they would comment you two look a damn good pair

You lost sense of time with her by your side

and get sms from dad to be back home on time

the day came along when you got that message from her phone

and you wondered if this is really on

Sun was shining and hopes were high

you took the plunge to be with her as your wife

Zindagi !

 मंज़िल अभी दूर है

तू हौसला रख खुद पर

बस जिए जा ज़िन्दगी

तू कर न फ़िकर

जो बिन चाहे मिले उसे Cherish कर

और जो मन मे अटक जाए उसे banish कर

ज़िन्दगी भी कमाल है

एक पल मे देती ख़ुशी

और दूसरे ही पल बेहाल है

कल का किसने देखा तू जी ले आज में

क्या पता कल फिर कोई मिले न मिले

दूसरों की दुआओं का तू बन सके हक़दार

ऐसे हो तेरे विचार

न दौलत, न शौहरत , मे वो ताकत

जो दुआओं का जादू समझे उसी की है दिलों पे हुकूमत

तू मुस्करा के चला चल

मंज़िल अभी दूर है

Friday, June 04, 2021


 सोचा मैंने की कुछ हट के करें

to bring some kicking factor in this life relay

दो भाषाओ की जुगलबंदी

should be entertaining for everybody

कितनी समान्ता कितना अंतर

every language has its mantar

क्या मिलेगा ये करके बोलो

to make them see how language need not be solo

इससे क्या होगा मेरे भाई?

to see the world with different eyes

अपनी आँखों से पर्दा हटाओ

see the power of oneness in different languages के dialogue

सब संसार मैं एक दूसरे से जुड़े हैं

Ubuntu is the spirit कहे सब भाषा यही है


 reflections are deep

at times they make me weep

emotions are strong

I find them sweeping me along 

I try to figure out the cause

I cant pin point them at all

they seems to be generating out of nowhere

and making their way like a gush of fresh air

I wonder if they have been trapped inside my soul like prisoners

and rushing their way through me to free themselves in meadows air

I feel rejoiced when they are out

perhaps that's how poets came about

there is rich life experience in those words

which a poet pens down to entertain the world

Corona times !!

 I saw the despair in those eyes

who longed for the life of one dear to her

yesterday everything looked in control

and here you are handling avalanche of the unknown

there is fear, there is hope

you swing like a pendulum on a roll

I wonder if its the act of divine

to make us realize the sins of mankind

sitting in bunkers we want to get vaccinated

and tell the home delivery guy maintain the distance 

human life is at stake

but there is a cost to be paid

money gets its fangs here too

you get shots if you have your pockets full

you want to help to those in despair

but feel helpless by the restrictions which are there

You long for this madness to end

maybe madness was there all along 

and now almighty is putting it to an end

Thursday, June 03, 2021

काम 2 !!

 ज़िन्दगी निकल रही इन लम्हों मे

और हम बेखबर टोल रहे हर चीज पैसो में

हसी आये खुदपर क्या किया रे तूने

जीना भूल गए अब और लगे है सिर्फ काम करने में


 यू लिखना चाहो, तो कुछ भी लिख डालो

लेकिन जो दिल को रास आए उसे लिखने में ठहराव आए

सोचता हूं की हो गा क्या ईन शबदो से

पर मन बोला लिख ​​दो मिया कसम से

ना इधर सोचो ना उधर बस मन में है जो उसे करो ब्यान 

पढ़ने वालो पे मत जाओ नहीं तो कलम को दे दोगे दगा

मैं मुसाफिर सा जिसे मंजिल का ना पता

लिखता जा रहा जो मेरे मन मैं आ रहा

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Work !!

Work clogs the day 
feels like no other way 
you wake up and check your mail 
and before you know its close to mid day 
you wonder where time went 
and ponder how you didnt know at your end 
Project issue, people issue 
you try to muster through your way 
You got to be understanding , you got to be polite 
पर मेरी सुनने वाला कौन है भाई 
पक गयी है आत्मा ऐसा लगे मुझे 
फिर भी दिन रात अपनी काम की गाड़ी चले 
कब वो दिन आएगा सुकून से काम करने का 
और इस harakiri से बचने का 
सोचता हूँ ये एक भ्रम ही है 
तो आवाज़ आये सो जा भाई तूने घिसना इधर ही है

Friday, April 16, 2021

Excel PPT

 इंसान अब दिल से ज्यादा दिमाग से सोचे ....

तो जीना खतम सा लगे......

कहां उसे दुनिया के हसीन नजरों का इंतजार था....

और कहां वो दिन रात एक्सेल पीपीपीटीटी मैं काम करें.....

कैसी ये कश्मकश ....

ये घर और गाड़ी और समाज का status ..... 

बाहर से तो बड़ा सुखी लगे सबको....

पर अंदर अपने हर रोज ये घुट घुट के मरे..

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Psychology of Money

 After long a full book read. 

- Your personal experiences with money make up maybe 0.00000001% of whats happened in the world, but maybe 80% of how you think the world works.

-How different experiences can lead to vastly different views within topics that one side intuitively thinks should be black and white.

- Luck and risk are both the reality that every outcome in life is guided by forces other than individual effort. They are so similar that you cant believe in one without respecting the other.

- The line between the bold and reckless can be thin. 

- Risk and Luck are dopplegangers

- Focus less on specific individuals and case studies and more on broad patterns

- There is no reason to risk what you have and need for what you dont have and dont need.

- Knowing when you have enough

- Enough is realizing that the opposite an insatiable appetite for more - will push you to the point of regret.

-Takeaway from ice ages - you done need tremendous force to create tremendous results.

-Getting money is one thing. Keeping it is another.

-Compounding only works if you can give an asset years and years to grow.

-Controlling your time is the highest dividend money pays

-The ability to do what you want, when you want , with who you want, for as long as you want, is priceless. It is the highest dividend money pays.

-Having a strong sense of controlling one's life is a more dependable predictor of positive feelings of wellbeing than any of the objective conditions of life we have considered.

- Money greatest intrinsic value- is its ability to give you control over your time.

- No one is impressed with your possessions as much as you are.

- People generally aspire ot be respected and admired by others, and using money to buy fancy things may bring less of it than you imagine.

-Humility, kindness and empathy will bring you more respect than horsepower ever will.

- Wealth is what you dont see. Wealth is financial assets that havent yet been converted into the stuff you see

- If you spend money on things, you will end up with the things and not the money

- Rich is current income , may be spend on car/ house. But wealth is hidden.Its income not spent.

- Wealth is an option not yet taken to buy something later. Its value lies in offering you options, flexibility, and growth to one day purchase more stuff that you could right now. 

- Building wealth has little to do with your income or investment returns, and lots to do with your savings rate.

-Learning to be happy with less money creates a gap between what you have and what you want. 

-Past a certain level of income , what you need is just what sits below your ego. 

- One of the most powerful ways to increase your savings isnt to raise your income. Its to raise your humility. 

- Saving does not require a goal of purchasing something specific. You can save just for savings sake. 

- Saving is a hedge against life's inevitable ability to surprise the hell out of you at the worst possible moment. 

- The flexibility and control over your time is an unseen return on wealth.

- Having more control over your time and options is becoming one of the most valuable currencies in the world.

- There are times when its fine to be reasonable instead of rational with money.

- History is the study of change, ironically used as a map of the future.

- The correct lesson to learn from surprises is that the world is surprising

- The purpose of Margin of safety is to render the forecast unnecessary

- You can be risk loving and yet completely averse to ruin.

- The ability to do what you want, when you want , for as long as you want , has an infinite ROI.

- The biggest single point of failure with money is a sole reliance on a paycheck to fund short term spending needs, with no savings to create a gap between what you think your expenses are and what they might be in the future. 

- People are poor forecasters of their future selves.

-Asymmetric aversion to loss is an evolutionary shield. Organisms that treat threats as more urgent than opportunities have a better chance to survive and reproduce.

- Progress happens too slowly to notice but setbacks happen too quickly to ignore.

- Growth is driven by compounding , which always takes time. Destruction is driven by single points of failure, which can happen in seconds, and loss of confidence , which can happen in an instant. 

- Stories are more powerful than statistics. 

- The more you want something to be true, the more likely you are to believe a story that overestimates the odds of it being true.

- Everyone has an incomplete view of the world.

- Coming to terms with how much you dont know means coming to terms with how much of what happens in the world is out of your control. And that can be hard to accept.

- Go out of your way to find humility when things are going right and forgiveness/compassion when they go wrong.

- Less ego, more wealth. saving money is the gap between your income, and wealth is what you don't see.

- Use money to gain control over your time

- Become Ok with lot of things going wrong. You can be wrong half the time and still make a fortune.

- Uncertainty, doubt and regret are common costs in the finance world. They are often worth paying. But you have to view them as fees (a price worth paying to get something nice in exchange) rather than fines ( a penalty you should avoid)