Master Chef : Prajit
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Feast on the eve of New Year
Master Chef : Prajit
Sunday, December 24, 2006
....Christmas Eve
Christmas is one of the few festivals celebrated in Singapore with much enthusiasm , celebrations and lightings.....The orchard road view of crowded people is very rare otherwise.
Friday, December 22, 2006
On Print media
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Another addition to cookery skills...
the Operations site....
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The Language Of Feelings....interesting read
Our hurt is a reaffirmation of our ability to form attachments, to become emotionally invested in the world and to find meaning in it.
What should one do when one have been hurt?
If someone hurts our feelings, or causes one pain, express our hurt to that person as directly and honestly as possible. The simplest way to say is to say,“ You hurt my feelings when you did this and so.”
Industrialization has often progressed at the expense of the individual. When one experience a feeling without hiding it, it passes most quickly and drains one the least.
One don’t have to be seething with rage to qualify as being angry. Indeed, most of the anger that people feel is not violent or difficult to control.
How much anger needs to be expressed to balance a hurt?
Important points to remember:
1. When someone has hurt one tell them so directly and openly and also tell them exactly why.
2. Do this in Private
3. Don’t unnecessarily set them in defensive. It will only make them feel like retaliating rather than listening.
4. Be firm as one need to be to get our point across but try not to be punitive.
5. If one feels other person hurt one on purpose, say so.
Expressing anger properly is healthy and restoring. For some people feeling angry makes them feel badly about themselves, and so they keep their feelings bottled up. People fear getting angry for different reasons, depending, to some degree, on their background and past experiences.
Dependent people are afraid that being angry will prove they are unlovable.
Controlling people tend to equate showing anger with losing control.
Esteem seeking people often suppress their anger by hiding behind an act of some kind.
People are generally mixture to the 3 types in different proportions.
Becoming totally honest is the first step to becoming free. Expressing our feelings openly is the second.
The proper expression of hurt redirects negative feelings outside of ourselves and is vital to restoring our emotional balance.
Our moods colour our world and shape our reality.
Our feelings can tell one a great deal about the world and ourself, but they shouldn’t be considered evidence to prove our worth.If one feel something, one need to have courage to express it.
Getting angry and crying, is not being out of control but merely expressing intense feelings. Some people don’t think its “nice” to have such strong feelings. Such a notion of what’s nice is itself stifling. The very fear of losing control often can result from denying the urge to let out feelings.
To happy consequence of getting free of burdensome emotions is to become open. To be open one need to understand what one feel, know where the feeling comes from, and be able to express that feeling to whomever is appropriate. Feelings tell the truth. When one are open , needs still exist, but one can perceive them clearly because one is open to feelings that define and interpret them.
Feelings without honesty are defences
The world without honesty is an illusion
Memory without honesty is only a fantasy
Time without honesty can never be now
Space without honesty can never be here
Love without honesty is possessiveness
It’s bad to have a conversation with somebody who cant or wont let through what he/she feels about you. These unspoken feelings generally surface in some form at some other and less appropriate time anyway, causing great mischief, confusion and probably further defensiveness.
The road to each person’s highest self is paved by feelings honestly perceived and straightforwardly expressed.
A loss in the future is perceived as fear.
A loss in the present is perceived as pain.
A loss in the past is perceived as anger.
One more review on this Link
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Jaju's wicket down
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Visit to Chinese Garden
Friday, December 01, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
from scratch to the verge of Operation...huuf

Saturday, November 04, 2006
Bday and drink PANNA.....

Monday, October 16, 2006
3rd season of Singapore

Haze season currently since past 2 weeks because of forest fires in the sumatra region of Indonesia. More info here.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Being Cool.....

Something to ponder on, How to deal with difficult people ?.....some always tend to behave like that and some having a roller coaster ride sometimes.....what to do in such scenario? .....I tend to remain calm and let the other person speak till he/she has oogled out whatever is bothering him/her or try my very best that he/she does that. Sometimes this can be really stressful but I try to be cool as nothing will be achieved if I also get defensive and replicate the same behaviour. This approach lets the other person cool off rapidly also :) and here I found proof of my belief --aaah cool.
(......ahh but I am not perfect as well and sometimes land up in argument but usually retrieve back to coolness pretty soon)
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Vikram & Betal
Google did not gave any link to full list of stories so turned to Project Gutenberg which helped...justed keyed in Vikram in title word search and bingo.
Here is a very brief introduction to the book: King Vikram is entrusted with the task of fetching a vampire that hangs from a tamarind tree. Having brought down the vampire and slung it onto his back, Vikram is on his way, when the treacherous creature begins to speak. He tells Vikram a story (25 stories in all, eleven of which appear in Burton's book) and asks him a question at the end of each. The conditions are that if the king opens his mouth to answer either from vanity, or conceit, or from the vampire's treachery or from a moral duty, the vampire would leave him and go back to hang upside down from his tree. Only if the king remained silent out of humility or ignorance would the vampire accompany him to his destination. And so the tales begin. Time after time, Vikramaditya cannot help but answer the vampire's mischieviously designed queries. Time after time, the vampire, in an explosion of triumphant laughter, gives him the slip. Time after time, Vikramaditya pulls him down again and sets off on another journey, on another story. More here.
Origins of V&B :
Brihat-katha, written in the 5th cent BC in the Paishachi dialect.
full version of 11 stories in pdf.
I always love knowledge imparted in the form of a story telling......though MBA also does that in form of case studies but the complexities are much higher and without the solution part....only the problem part stated mostly....solution can vary as there are always many possibilities of next action and thats where you got to apply whatever you have learned in that particular MBA module. Sometimes interesting but sometimes huuf damm confusing....
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Draft version of POHA

Aah with all good chefs living along(Prajit , Balu and Pramod).....I also got hooked to some cooking today. First try at POHA and decent enough to eat :).
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Traditional method of goods management :
goods from vendors----warehouse----retail outlets/customer
Here generally warehouse has 4 activities--receiving, storage, order picking and shipping.
CrossDocking helps in removing the storage and order picking activity from the above activities of warehouse. Crossdocks are essentially transshipment facilities to which shipments arrive in carriers(usually trucks) with goods that are loaded onto outbound carriers mostly within 24 hours.
In the traditional model warehouse maintains stock until a customer orders, then the product is picked , packed and shipped.When replacements arrive at the warehouse they are stored until the customer is identified. In crossdocking, the customer is known before the product gets to the warehouse and there is no need to move it to storage. Inventory holding costs also get minimized, space required is also less (warehouse Vs crossdock).

Wallmart has executed it successfully and almost 85% of its products are crossdocked.One of its major competitive advantages against its competitors.
But implementing crossdocking has its own challenges. First coordination among all members, vendors and retailers/customers. Also establishment of system information system requirements is a major barrier in implementing crossdocking successfully. Hence still its not that famous but the trends are positive as the global competition increases and efforts to reduce down costs on all fronts increase.
Crossdocks generally have rectangular shape with some in L, H or T shapes.

Links Crossdocking Keeps A Knocking , Crossdocking
Monday, September 25, 2006
Runners Up at SYNERGY 2006

Had been working on the business plan for Synergy 2006 (a patent commercialization business plan competition ) organized by NTU with 6 of my other group members since June. Finally the efforts paid of well with our team PLASMA CORP. winning the 2nd Prize in the competition with cash reward of 3000 SGD on 23rd Sept. It has been a great experience working with the team. Synergy effect was definately there among all, which made such outcome possible. Excellent team, though too much perfectionism , including myself :) . Really amazes me of people with such diverse backgrounds and nationalities( Indian, Singaporean, Chinese, French and American) can form such a strong team. Truly global yet highly synergized. I personally had to struggle a bit over my fear of public speaking before final presentation...too much nervousness ...I feel very jittery whenever I am supposed to speak in front of a big crowd. Team members helped a lot in boosting up my confidence,thanks to their efforts, hoof finally somehow I managed to deliver decently. Now next time its going to be much easier.I wonder why as I use to easily give training sessions to 30 people with much ease in my last job. May be the comfortability factor I had made the difference earlier. Only the speaking part is troublesome when its like a monologue......Q&A after the presentation , all that jitter goes away...strange. May be I should practice more of speaking in public to overcome this phobia. Just typed in google on same (fear of public speaking) and wooooh 21,300,000 search results, no wonder there are many out there like me :) . Found some interesting articles : 1, 2 .
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Amazing virtual world....connecting to real
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Piece of Art

An artistic piece which has taken a long time of about 18 months to get into its current form. Really a lot of work as can be seen from its present status. Its a rarity in Singapore to find such items. The main ingredients to have such a piece are laziness, dont care attitude and living as a bachelor.No more in use now.....
Monday, September 04, 2006
Running against time...
Friday, August 25, 2006
Final semester begins.....
Anagrams of last seven elective modules :
Services Marketing --Avengers sick merit
Technopreneurship--Hot, nicer penpusher
Managing Change--Hag, menacing nag
Supply Chain Management-- Up maniac's elegant nymph
Product & Brand Management-- Goddamn! Unpenetrant , mad crab
Business Forecasting--Boastings if censures
Competitive Marketing Strategies--VIP to emetic, tastier, smarting geek
Monday, August 21, 2006
Artistic display by school students....
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Bird Park Visit
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Technoprenuership module was the most challenging module in the MBA course so far. So finally I have some knowledge of what all goes into making a business plan. The team [from right:Sharon(China) , Manish, Sophie(France), myself, Abhi with Guekhar(Singapore) at extreme left and Ann(USA) at the back]. The biggest team I have worked in MBA so far and the experience was just amazing. Great Team. I seriously felt the impact of collective power when all in the team are alligned to a common goal. The title of the blog refers to the company this team formed to launch an innovative product for the treatment of diabetes.I also reflected back on the effectiveness of team versus individual.
Also this module was unique as first time Indians in the class were minority, with majority stake taken up by norway people, who had come on exchange program for this module.

-spot the unique feature in this pic, easy :)