I never knew this could one of the scariest things happening to me. About 4-5 weeks back , I saw suddenly some foul smelling stuff coming out of the belly button area.....very little....i wondered if the umbilical cord stiches have opened and its unwinding.....scary...slowly lose all stomach stuff :)..well just ignored it...then slowly the discharge became larger and now combined with blood...huum...strange stuff....never really knew about any such injury.....to add to the problem.....it was not visible as to what was wrong in the region....but the blood and fluid kept coming out...not a flow but i guess 3-4 drops a day.....and strangely there was no pain either....over a period the discharge was increasing now....huum no more under ignorance limit so checked out a doctor....ah some bacterial infection causing formation of a small lump he said... due to scratching around the belly button area.... damn... scratching proved a costly affair..... doctor gave some antibiotics and antibactrial stuff to try out for 4 days....and then report back if there is any progress...huuf...no change when I went to see doctor after 4 days...ahh and so he said operation necessary to prevent the lump from growing big.....huum got no choice....so fixed up an appoitment with other doctor at operation clinic at NUH....date just next after last exam on 28th......waah thankfully by the time appointment date 29th came ....it looked like condition was improving ....just wanted to be doubly sure so went to meet doctor of the operation clinic in NUH ...and relieved to find out that the lump had gone........... gained additional knowledge of the region of infection being called belly button area :).......
Dude, I cant think even one single freakin comment for this blog .. aap mahan ho!!
Ok..now I can! Just check the number of huums and aahs and huufs you use. Looks like you are doing some heavy physical exercise..not blogging
Anonymous blogger2, u got it right about the exercise. wELCOME to the party - from Anonymous blogger1 :D
hello anonymous 1 and 2...have courage to disclose down your identities or else I assume both of u are coward....anonymous 1 I know u...u better start your own blog :)...anonymous 2 i have idea but not sure.
.....putting huufs and ohs ah...cant do without that either :)and ya its not an exercise..
me? you claim to know me? i can assure you that you have never seen me all your life. and you assume i have no courage? like all your other assumptions, this is also wrong. i dont give a rat's ass about your assumption - anon blogger2
well if you have courage then put down your name :).he he and if i dont know you how come u wrote down...." like all your other assumptions, this is also wrong." I have never met you right, I cannot have other assumptions of u without meeting u.
Oh and ya pls be more careful with words.....this rat's ass and all dont look good.
oh...u dont lik rat's a$$..
hmm..hw abt shakira's?...chill buddy..:))
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