Something to ponder on, How to deal with difficult people ?.....some always tend to behave like that and some having a roller coaster ride sometimes.....what to do in such scenario? .....I tend to remain calm and let the other person speak till he/she has oogled out whatever is bothering him/her or try my very best that he/she does that. Sometimes this can be really stressful but I try to be cool as nothing will be achieved if I also get defensive and replicate the same behaviour. This approach lets the other person cool off rapidly also :) and here I found proof of my belief --aaah cool.
(......ahh but I am not perfect as well and sometimes land up in argument but usually retrieve back to coolness pretty soon)
"cool as nothing will be achieved if I also get defensive and replicate the same behaviour"
ahh...and you think you achieve a lot by keeping quiet and let him/her speak his/her mind!?!? do you know how irritating it is for the him/her to realise that you dont have an opinion?!?!
huum...will answer only when u disclose of your identity....:)
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