Technoprenuership module was the most challenging module in the MBA course so far. So finally I have some knowledge of what all goes into making a business plan. The team [from right:Sharon(China) , Manish, Sophie(France), myself, Abhi with Guekhar(Singapore) at extreme left and Ann(USA) at the back]. The biggest team I have worked in MBA so far and the experience was just amazing. Great Team. I seriously felt the impact of collective power when all in the team are alligned to a common goal. The title of the blog refers to the company this team formed to launch an innovative product for the treatment of diabetes.I also reflected back on the effectiveness of team versus individual.
Also this module was unique as first time Indians in the class were minority, with majority stake taken up by norway people, who had come on exchange program for this module.

-spot the unique feature in this pic, easy :)
Poor diabetic patients .. any idea what happens to ppl after you treat them :))
someone is getting all defensive and not replying at all
:)) correct...someone on the other side is also too defensive and not disclosing of who he/she is..
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