Hyderabad Airport view

Travelled down to Hyderabad on weekend for admission of sis to IBS. Fortunately,MBA friend Abhinav is already settled down in Hyderabad ( whom I had last met in 2007 only in Singapore) so it became very easy to coordinate and move around in the city. The IBS campus is impressive and seeing lot of construction work in progress looks like they are in ramp up mode. Abhinav & Shruti showed great hospitality for inviting me and sis to their residence for the weekend. Abhinav loves driving and so was willing to show me around the city apart from having 2 visits to IBS campus which is around 40 KM from the city. The residence of Abhinav is a great place. I had not seen such big (around 1800 apartments) planned residential accomodation before. It reminded me Prince George Park(PGP) in Singapore. On Sunday , Abhinav and Shruti both cooked awesome chicken... I knew Shruti was great at cooking but Abhi has also picked up quite a lot over past 2 years.... must be under guidance of chief chef(Shruti) :). Had a good time. Hyderabad infrastructure is really impressive......right from the Airport entrance.
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