Sunday, September 13, 2015

Story fun...

I used to be a big story lover while I was a kid and today while putting my son to sleep I was on the other side.......just thought of putting it down before it fades away from my memory :)

So the first one was for GIRAFFE as requested by son....
Me: "Which color Giraffe story you want to hear?"
Son: "Yellow"
Me: "Ok"
Me:" There used to be a yellow giraffe with long neck in a jungle. All animals used to approach him and ask why you have such a long neck. The Giraffe didnt know the answer so he went to his mother and said...Mom...Mom... why do we have such long necks....Giraffe mom said....very good question....listen son we are leaf eaters and we dont have wings so we cant be like other we had to jump to get the leaf....and over a long time jumping jumping our necks became long ". The Giraffe son is ecstatic and says to his mom " THANK YOU very much I know why we have long necks :-)"

son is attentively listening and now asks for a second story of a CAR
Me: "Ok,this is last story after this you need to sleep n, OK?"
Son: "Haan (Yes)"

Me: "Ok, so there used to be this car whose one headlight was not working. The Car asked headlight why you are not working to which it responded that since my connections are loose I am not able to function properly.Please take me to a mechanic who can fix me up. (Mechanic- Is a person who is expert in fixing the cars). So the car takes it to the mechanic. On seeing the car/headlight mechanic asks how come you got into this condition? So headlight says one of the kids playing with it threw the car from the bed and it got into current state. So mechanic said ah very bad. I keep telling all kids do not throw any toy from bed or from a height because it can get broken and damaged. It is a bad thing and must not be done.So the car asks headlight we will go to the kid once you are fixed. The mechanic fixes up headlight and it is working fine say thank you to mechanic and push of to find the kid.... after some time they spot the kid playing....they approach and tell kid that never to throw toys from a height...they get damaged if he did that.They tell him about mechanic uncle and what he had to say. The kid says he will not do it again...and so the CAR with fixed headlight happily goes back to him.
son is still very much attentive and now asks for a third one on TRAIN
Me:" Nop, we had agreed for 2 and thats it. If you insist on more I will have to tell ambulance uncle to take you with him"
Son:"tell me now TRAIN story"
Son:"tell me now TRAIN story"
Son:"tell me now TRAIN story"
Son:"tell me now TRAIN story"
Me:"I am sleeping now as I am afraid ambulance uncle will take me away along with u." ( act like crying....)
Son:"tell me now TRAIN story"
Son:"tell me now TRAIN story"
Son:"tell me now TRAIN story"
Me:"Ok, this is final one no more after this. Ok"
Son: "Haan (Yes)"
Me:"Ok, so there use to a small kid who wanted to find out why train always sounds Choo Choo. The kid decides to ask the train only and goes to a station. After some time ,the train arrives and the first coach of train is its Engine which blares out Choo Choo.. As soon as the train stops the kid rushes to the engine coach . after entering he asks the engine, why do you always do Choo Choo...and chuk chuk chuk chuk sounds? which the engine replies..." Ah, thats a nice question kid, I am glad you asked it....see train is very big and travels over tracks... so in order to alert people please give way I am coming so that no one is hurt....I do Choo Choo...and chuk chuk chuk chuk.... Engine says," if I dont do that people may not hear me coming and could get hurt so for safety of all I have to make sound of Choo Choo and chuk chuk chuk chuk.... the kid is very happy and thanks the engine for telling him the reason. He says THANK YOU and leaves saying GOODBYE"
Son is still very much attentive.
Son:"tell me now HELICOPTER story"
Image result for dad making son sleep

Me:"Nop. no more. we reached a deal of 3 and no should sleep now"
Son:"tell me HELICOPTER story"
Me: "Nop"
Son:"tell me HELICOPTER story"
Me: "Nop"
Son:"tell me HELICOPTER story"
Me: "Nop"
Son:"tell me HELICOPTER story"
Me:" listen son , your madam told me to tell you max 3 stories and tomorrow if you want to meet your friends in school you have to sleep now. Else it will be very late and you will not be able to go to school"
Son:"tell me HELICOPTER story"
Me: "Nop"
Son:"tell me now HELICOPTER story"
Me:"nah, I only know 3 stories son, ask your mom tomorrow to tell you HELICOPTER story"
Son:"you tell me HELICOPTER story"...
son is on verge of crying out loud.....
Me:"Ok, which helicopter story you would like to listen?"
Me:"Ok, there used to be a small green helicopter and it wanted to fly. He could not fly because he was too small. Two big helicopters Yellow and Blue onces come to it and asks what it is trying to do. Green one says he wants to fly . they say you are too small.. But green one insists he wants to fly now spite of being small...So Yellow and Blue one decide to hold green one from each side and go.....
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"

Son: "abhi nahin pahuncha upar (still not reached up)"
Me: "nop, still going, zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
Son: almost sleepy but still checking if the helicopter is flying or not...."abhi nahin pahuncha upar (still not reached up)"
Me: "nop, still going, zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"
"zzzzzzzzz ghuur ghuur"

son finally zzzzzzzz........

Me: (inside my mind) "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH finally "
Image result for victory feeling


Dimple said...

Aww so cute, in fact smart and informative way of making Chaitya sleep. I can relate to it very well. :)

I have also noted few of Ayaan's incidences will share it with you soon.

Parsh said...

Great ! Awaiting :).....

Unknown said...

Ha ha ha this is so fab Bhaiya!! Thoroughly enjoyed reading the stories!!
- Shruti

Parsh said...

Glad you liked it Shruti :).