Some facts from article:
-From conception until the 8th week of gestation, men and women are almost exactly the same.
Women wrt Men:
- On average are shorter than men
- Low blood pressure and higher heart beat rate
- Loose less brain tissue as they age
- Pysiologically prone to taking more stress because of Amygdala and one average their body produces more stress hormones
- Emotional infedility is more upsetting than physical infedelity
-Got 10 times more white matter but lack on gray matter(men 6.5 times higher)

After World War II, pharmaceutical companies feared that drug tests could harm pregnant women and that women's hormones could affect test results. So, they tested drugs primarily on men. But in the last several years, the medical community has discovered that women and men often have different responses to drugs. For this reason, human trials of new drugs include both men and women.
One can also check this out.More on the women's body aspect.
Men and women brain are the same from conception till 8 weeks of gestation because all fetuses are born female until a hormone triggered the sex change :) And women's brain actually shrink during pregnancy, but thankfully research now show that brain size increases after child birth, phew; so I would like to think I have boosted my brain 3 times now :D. I am looking forward to read the book "The female brain" next.
ic..Thanks for the info update!
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