Some interesting findings:
* Inverse relationship of immune system with testosterone where as linear realtionship with estradiol.
* Androgen comes from greek word for man where as Estrogen comes from greek word for frenzy
* In the past ovaries were removed to control hysteria and moodiness in women
* Guinnes world record- Soviet women having 69 offsprings and Mongolian monarch Genghis Khan having 888 kids
* How people view erotic films:
Women- prefer one that builds to a relationship, slowly evolving into sexual relation
Men- complain that those stories take too long to get to the - you know-point
* Coolidge effect
* Rape- comes from latin word "rapere", which refers to seizing of property
* Women seem to give directions in terms of landmark and men in distance terms
* Heart pumps 9000 litres of blood in a day
o reminds me of the test i took on the bbc health website to find out the gender/sex of my brain. turned out im perfectly balanced ...its kinda scary in a way haha
you should try that out if you are interested and its still available
- rz
Hehe good perfectly balanced.....I already took test sometime back..if u referring to this one http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sex/add_user.shtml .Mine turned out to be man type.
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