Another great read from the author of "Maverick". This one talks in length of the policies followed in
Semco with relevant examples to illustrate the point. Ricardo does it effectively. After reading it it feels the current workplace is to improve way far to reach at same level as
SEMCO. I definitely feel like working for
SEMCO after reading the 2 books. A place where employees are trusted, treated as adults who can make decisions themselves, can choose their own salaries, choose their own boss, set goals for themselves and work towards it, have a
flexi time to go out for movie/entertainment any day of week and not necessarily on weekend, have a equal say in decisions made for the unit, have a place in board of directors meetings, can decide to join or not to join any meeting ( no one turning up meeting indicative of people
don't think it is important), have ownership in company profits, have no fixed place to sit and work ( so not under constant scrutiny of their supervisors), have an open communication channel ...dismantling hierarchy culture ( most current organizations look exact replica of military structure with levels and
The democratic culture followed at
SEMCO is difficult to believe in but its actually what Ricardo has done for
SEMCO with the help of his senior management. When people treat each other with respect
irrespective of the level they are then the combined strength is much more effective making it 1+1 =11 .....against 1+1=1 in traditional companies where people up in
hierarchy usually have their way or those having connects with top.
Companies talk of innovation, new ideas but usually have hard time getting it from people working?? I believe the primary reason is as most in workforce dont feel much attachment for company....its just a means of earning their livelihood. Expecting innovation and creativeness from such workforce is nothing more than day dreaming. Compare the benefit of getting innovative ideas from 1000 motivated workforce people rather than a team of 10 people under " Innovation wing" banner.Asking 3 why's to all things done would make company/employees much wiser in decisions made .
Talking with respect to current Recession: Most companies have gone for cost cutting measures primarily at lower levels...firing freshers/ non performers / bench people. Looking at from another angle...a senior management person getting Rs 50Lakh deciding 10% cut on his/her salary would save 1-2 freshers from being fired whose annual salaries are Rs 4-5 Lakh. would it make much difference to person earning Rs 50 lakh/annum to take a cut and let salary be Rs 45 lakh/annum??? to the person whose annual salary is 4-5 Lakh/annum suddenly founding himself jobless it makes a hell lot more difference. What message is being sent across in workforce .....if you dont perform then you will be out of job next. Then expecting them to give in passion/innovative ideas/others ...do you think they would even thinking on those lines with the insecurity built in?? I definitely don't think so.
Reading the book has surely helped to ? a lot of things practiced in workplace.....its not to say putting up a rebellion but to make it a place where one looks forward to go to every day.