th read of Paulo and I am impressed yet again. This one centers about the glamour world and author's
interpretation of how people in this high luxury and branded world go on in their life. The story is centered around lost love of a
Russian millionaire who's wife has left him some 2 years back and he chooses to get her back finally during the Cannes film festival in France putting an end to his agony and pain he has been suffering ever since she left him. At some points it feels like a psychopath story and the story's end also
unusual kind as what one
usually expect. The interesting part is characters portrayed and how author describes the world of each.... some already a star, some on the verge of becoming a star and some others who just want to know each and everything about the stars and then the police. The story flows in interesting fashion and midway one would find the aspects of larger society related questions writer tries to put across with the use of different characters. One could call it a mystery novel but I
didn't find it very grasping as Paulo goes off track at times but nevertheless interesting. Though the interesting aspect of naming of
chapters with time stamp....the story completes in a period of 24 hours.
The content common to most Coelho books are : Religion,Love, Sex, questioning what is accepted normal in society, dwelling on what we refer as happiness, love, anger, madness..and others ...give it a definition in different ways.