th read of Paulo
Coelho. Hard to grasp at first. Tough to read with lot of religious context involved. Since I am not well versed with Bible it was difficult to grasp some portions of the novel . Story begins in not to usual way where 2 men are talking to each other in a hideout waiting for the death which they are quite sure they would receive. The reason being they are in a land called Israel whose king has ordered execution of all prophets in the region. One man
succumbs to death while other (Elijah) survives. This man is a carpenter turned
escapee as he told the king what he heard from the angels. This man hear from angels which show him what he should do next. Whenever he is on the verge of losing hope because of despair , the angel come to rescue and show him the path. The Queen is shown to be the culprit with her beauty seducing the King and making him convert the city to follow her God. The story is about this survivor, how he goes to other place Akbar, find refuge but only to be traded for money in future...the people of the place worship Gods
which live on the 5
th mountain( the name derived so as not to make angry any gods and 5
th mountain in series visible from the city area) . To many versus with angels are somehow not interest binding. The man takes shelter in a woman place , but tragedy
struck and widow's only son becomes ill and dies....the resident put blame on Elijah, who is suppose to be executed. He has to travel to God place where lightening from heaven will struck and take his life. That
doesn't happen and he comes back from mountain unscathed and brings back life into the dead boy. All in village are in great praise for him. He slowly gains confidence of governor....but not with commander and very influential high priest. Elijah has considerable power but uses his power to solve disputes in front of common gathering of people . The governor is in high praise for him. Then war breaks out and Elijah loses widow whom he has fallen in love and is curses himself ...He also has a obligation he feels that God has chosen him for bringing back his Lord in his land called Israel. The man rebuilds the destroyed refuge city named Akbar from ruins by installing confidence in all those who have been left behind because they cant go to other place after destruction. The story brings point that sometimes one has to be in fighting stance with the almighty.Quite a heavy read.
Quote from book:
A child can always teach an adult 3 things:
1.To be happy for no reason
2.To always be busy with something
3.To know how to demand with all his might that which he desires