-Madness is the inability to communicate your ideas. Its as if you were in a foreign country, able to see and understand everything that’s going on around you, but incapable of explaining what you need to know or of being helped, because you don’t understand the language they speak there.
- Laws had not been created to resolve problem, but in order to prolong quarrels indefinitely
-Some things are governed by common sense, other things however become fixed because more and more people believe that the way they should be.
- Why the arrangement of the keys on typewriter the way it is?
The first such machine was invented by Christopher Scholes, in 1873, to improve calligraphy , but there was a problem: if a person typed very fast the keys got stuck together and stopped the machine working. Then Scholes designed the QWERTY keyboard, a keyboard that would oblige typists to type more slowly. It so happened that Remington- who were sewing machine manufacturers at the time-used the QWERTY keyboard for their first typewriters. That meant that more people were forced to learn that particular system, and more companies started to make those keyboards, until it became the only available model. (…. I also thought about same but then assumed its because this way one could type fastest, some research done and people would have arrived at this combination being the fastest…..till I read in the book)
- An awareness of death encourages us to live more intensely. This reminds me of the movie Griffin and Phoenix. This is exactly what the 2 people do (suffering from cancer and knowing they would die soon ),living and doing what they always intended to do but resisted. They were living out their dreams :).