The train journey was plain, except we found it hard to sleep due to increasing coldness and nothing to cover ourselves in early morning hours. Mysore whether was as good as that of Bangalore and much lower air pollution. No sun and no rain....cloudy, non humid and cool breeze blowing :). Sachin grandparents house was nothing less than a palace big and open .Had good breakfast and left off for the Tipu Sultan palace (in car this time), Shivmurti who is a domestic helper at sachin's grandmother house also joined us . We visited a temple on the way , thereafter bird park visit ...where we had hard luck as the boats were not operational as water level was high. Came back to have lunch at home and as usual I overate again :D....then off to cover up for the lost sleep hours in train. Oh ya! sachins grandparents house had 2 dogs named Kinchi (1.5 yrs)and Kali(6 yrs )...both didn't seemed to welcome us ...Kinchi being the more curious and nervous with our presence. Kali happens to be Kinchi's mother. After a good nap of about 2 +hrs we headed to Brindavan garden built along Krishna Raja Sagara Dam. Sachin's grandmother also joined us .When we reached the place after a journey of around 45 minutes , it looked like a big MELA kind of thing, too many people ....the garden was good and had a musical fountain show as well. The next day started with visit to the Chamundi Hill and Nandi statue, thereafter we visited Mysore Palace, and then back home for lunch. Later after a short rest break, left out for nearby lake . Sachin's grandparents were very hospitable , her grandmother knew my mother tongue -Marathi , and we conversed for some time with sachin guessing what we were talking about ;). His grandfather owns a petrol pump which is very close to the house. Once again had some amazing food :). On way back in train we played some games for TP ;) and happened to have a drunkard in the same coach. He entertained for some time and then he went zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Once he woke up again in morning he didn't had a clue of what all he had done before.
---------DAY 1--------------
(...really Palace like home )
(No boating :( at bird sanctuary....)
( with Shivmurti and Sachin at Bird Sanctuary)
---------DAY 2--------------
(Nandi on Chamundi hill)
(view from Entrance gate --near ticketing counter)
(....snaps of lake nearby the house)
(Sachin with his grandparents)
(...the games we played on way back in train (after many years ;)) ..)