Wooh this one took quite a long time...going at snails pace...so finally decided to sit down in central library of NUS and finish it off. Huum not quite upto the mark from what I expected but anyways a decent read.
Some criticism of Porter's 4P given too much weightage. Emphasis on creating demand (marketing arm) and mostly neglected satisfying demand(logistics arm).
Essence of delivering goods:Transferring , buffering, reconfiguring and modifying
Writers speak of a Tri Level view, where the supply chain can be seen as a combination of 3 layers:
Physical layer –comprising facilities, transportation, equipment and inventory
Information layer- at bottom comprising cost, time , location , configuration and characteristics
Services layer- in between and uniting the activities of transferring, buffering , reconfiguring and modifying
Information layer- at bottom comprising cost, time , location , configuration and characteristics
Services layer- in between and uniting the activities of transferring, buffering , reconfiguring and modifying
...dont feel like writing much :.